Sunday, 30 September 2012

Customer service is right but the customer isn't always

I believe in Customer service but I can't agree with or accept the phrase that "The customer is always right". No, far from it. This morning, I was in Morrison's supermarket and this girl was collecting money for an Under 15's girls football team. She was about 15 or 16 years old. I am not quite sure, but anyway she offered to pack my bags for me. In response, I said that she could.

Due to her friendly and polite manner, I put a pound in the bucket for the cause she was collecting for. She thanked me. Had she been rude or surly or unpleasant, then she would not have got a penny from me. That rule also applies to other places where I have been a customer or purchased something. If the staff are friendly or helpful or pleasant, then I will want to go back again. If they are rude, objectionable or disinterested, I will not want to.

That said, I don't always go along with this idea the customer is right. I have seen in stores or shops and have seen some customers speak to checkout staff or store workers like they are a piece of shit, in the most disgusting manner. I have also seen customers purchase items, then change their mind a minute later. Therefore, it works both ways. On occasion I can see why sometimes a staff member MIGHT snap a customer.

So whilst I appreciate pleasant and helpful staff in a supermarket, shop or store, I don't buy into the philosophy that the customer is always right. If someone snaps at you as a one-off, you don't know what might have happened beforehand or what bullshit they might have had to put up with from some customers.


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