Monday, 29 June 2009

Death of a flawed genius

Michael Jackson's death has featured heavily in the media since last Thursday. He was a very talented singer, entertainer and dancer. There is no question about that, and a void has appeared in the entertainment world. I can remember seeing Billie Jean on Top of the Pops. I recall it clearly being announced that the song was number one, and the video was amazing, certainly for the time. I looked it up in 1998 to see when Billie Jean was number one, and the date was 5th March 1983. TOP's was always broadcast on a Thursday evening. So the date will have been Thursday 3rd March 1983.

I also can remember Down Under by Men at Work being number one on Top of the Pops. I can remember watching the Thriller video at my late Grandfathers house, also in 1983. My Grandad wasn't into Jackson, but my uncle was, and he showed my parents the video. We didn't have a video recorder until two years later. I thought the effects were amazing when I saw it, and still believe they were, by 1983 standards.

I also can remember when Jackson's hair set on fire, his "Bad" album and "Black or White" song from early 1990's. I don't remember the "Off the wall" album, though from 1979. Nor do I remember his "One day in your life" from 1981.

However, for all his great talents, Jackson seemed to be a flawed and psychologically damaged individual. I am not going to comment on what he may or may not have done, with the child abuse allegations, but I feel it is important when looking at the full picture when reviewing his life. He also seemed to lose it from the mid-1990's onwards careerwise.


Blogger Ally said...

Hi Kevin, great blog! Your memory is very good, as is my husband's. I am very good with remembering telephone numbers and that's it really.

I was very saddened about Michael Jackson's passing as I have such fantastic memories of him and his music in the 80's. I remember distinctly waiting up to 12 midnight to watch the very first showing of the Thriller video - those were the days........


29 June 2009 at 18:22  

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