Sunday, 28 February 2010

Bring back the Rock and Roll years

I know there are issues with broadcasting, and copyrights, but I think it is time the BBC brought out a Rock n Roll years series for the nineties and naughties. The last time this programme was shown on TV was one for the 1980's - between Wednesday 2nd March 1994 and Wednesday 27th April 1994. The rock stars have more money than what they need, so what does it matter to them? It is better than programmes with loads of talking heads on. Who cares what some z-list celebrity thought to chopper bikes in the 1970's or BMX's in the 1980's? Here are some shows of the Rock and Roll years... for... 1974.... and+Roll+years#watch%3Dv6559148H6SDFk93 1976 (The year I was born - on 20th August at 10.05am). and+Roll+years+1976#watch%3Dv1297796xa8SkKTr 1978 (The year one of my regular blog comment makers was born) and+Roll+years+1978#watch%3Dv11824486wbFDBSQ 1967 and+Roll+years+1967#watch%3Dv1821555tYj2a2Hk 1962 and+Roll+years+1962#watch%3Dv1821351gH4bxkca


Blogger Adelaide Dupont said...

I have a memory of chopper and BMX bikes, which I enjoyed for a year or two in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Thanks much for the birth date.

Mark Boerbach has some great information. I'll go and find him for you, or you can Google his name.

4 March 2010 at 00:52  
Anonymous Kevin Phillips said...

That is him Adelaide. I have just looked him up. He sounds a lot like myself except that he has a worse deal than me, because he is visually impaired. You were born on a Saturday, but I guess you knew that already.

Did you watch the Rock n Roll years for the year of your birth?

4 March 2010 at 14:18  
Blogger Unknown said...

Britpop years were a time to remember but the 00s was just primarily the decade that music forgot.

5 May 2010 at 16:32  

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